Back to school can be an exciting time, reconnecting with old friends, making new friends, extracurricular activities, and of course, learning new skills. But it can also bring up challenges for young people and their families. Whether it is navigating social media, coping with learning issues, dealing with anxiety, bullying, adjustment to a new school, or any of the other issues that face young people, the new school year may not feel like a positive time.

If your child is not adjusting well to school, reach out for support. Resources may include school guidance counselors and social workers, your child’s pediatrician, or a mental health specialist. For eligible members and their dependents, Local 4 offers Brightline, which is virtual care that includes coaching and therapy for kids and teens. Sign up at and use LOCAL 4 when prompted for the employer name and insurance information. You can also call Brightline at 888-224-7332 with questions. Beginning October 1, 2023, Lyra Health will be our new employee assistance program and will provide coaching and therapy services for kids, teens, and adults. You can learn more about Lyra at or call 844-926-2482.