
Tips from Lyra: July


Did you know that almost half of the global population experiences at least one chronic condition? These health ailments can be an unwelcome distraction that makes it difficult to show up as your best self. [...]

Tips from Lyra: July2024-07-01T10:45:51-04:00

Have you had a checkup lately?


Haven’t had a physical exam in a while?  Or maybe you only see a doctor when you are sick or have a minor injury?  Make the time to schedule a physical (checkup) with a primary [...]

Have you had a checkup lately?2024-07-01T10:41:19-04:00

Caregiving and the Sandwich Generation


What is the “Sandwich Generation?” Generally, it refers to adults who are caring for young children and for aging parents at the same time. But the definition has grown to include a broader range of [...]

Caregiving and the Sandwich Generation2024-06-03T15:17:54-04:00

Tips from Lyra: June


For the month of June, we’re introducing a topic related to safe sleep habits. Many of us go about our day thinking about the million-and-one things we need to do. Sometimes we get so busy [...]

Tips from Lyra: June2024-06-03T15:03:31-04:00

May is Mental Health Month


May is Mental Health Month, dedicated to prioritizing our well-being and promoting open conversations about mental health. At the Local 4 Funds Office, we recognize the importance of mental health and its impact on our [...]

May is Mental Health Month2024-04-26T10:55:24-04:00

Alcohol Awareness Month


April is Alcohol Awareness Month.  It is a good time to think about how much you drink, your drinking patterns and the role that alcohol plays in your life and the lives of your family [...]

Alcohol Awareness Month2024-04-05T15:54:30-04:00

Tips from Lyra: March


Coping with infertility can be painful and isolating for many. Check out tips and considerations that can be helpful in your journey. Read Navigating Infertility, from Lyra Health, your mental health benefit provided by Local [...]

Tips from Lyra: March2024-03-07T09:25:36-05:00

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month


March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.  Colorectal cancer is cancer that starts in the colon or the rectum.  It is the third most common cancer in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society.  [...]

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month2024-03-01T09:48:53-05:00

American Heart Month


February is American Heart Month. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for Americans, with approximately 1 in 5 deaths related to heart disease. Heart disease is an umbrella term for a variety of [...]

American Heart Month2024-02-05T16:26:10-05:00

ahealthyme from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts


Have you checked out ahealthyme from Blue Cross Blue Shield? ahealthyme is the newly updated, easy-to-use, digital personal wellness program from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts that helps you create healthy habits that stick. [...]

ahealthyme from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts2024-02-05T16:27:08-05:00